Sudanese art is primarily decorative. Rather than images, you might see intricate geometric designs or beautiful carvings in ebony or ivory, or metal or leather work, such as daggers and sheaths. Women make decorative items for their households such as doilies for serving trays.

 The Institute of Fine Arts and Technology has encouraged graphic artists including a number of printmakers, calligraphers and photographers who have achieved international recognition. Ibrahim al Salahi is perhaps the best known artist and is proficient in all three media. 

There are a number of museums in Khartoum: the National Museum, which has a collection of ancient artifacts, the National History Museum and the Ethnographical Museum. The Khartoum Library is noted for its African and Sudanese collection.

Music is popular. Some Sudanese musicians, such as Abdel Karim al-Kabli, are known outside the country for interesting, restrained blends of Arabic melodies and African rhythms. The Nubian musician, Hamza el-Din, who plays the oud, (a stringed musical instrument), has been well known in North America for some time.

Literature, including poetry, is sophisticated all across the Arab-influenced world. Tayeb Salih writes fictional accounts of life in northern Sudan. His novel Season of Migration to the North explores the relationship between Sudanese and Western culture. Two other internationally acclaimed writers are poet Taban Lo Liyong and Sirr Anai Kelueljang.

Did you know? 

Historically Nubian artists and architects who lived in Sudan, were influenced by Christian images and symbols developed from Egypt and the Mediterranean world. The Nubians added details, design combinations and proportions of their own. This is seen on the excavated walls of the Cathedral at Faras, a monastery at Qasr el Wizz and a large town containing churches with frescos at Serra East. Architectural information was recoved along with objects of daily life, including superbly painted Nubian pottery.