This website is designed to give a general overview of South Africa and its people. Your interest in this cultural profile may stem from being involved in an organized Host Program, or from being an employer who is about to offer a job to a newly arrived South African. You might be a teacher or student who wishes to learn more about new members of your class. This booklet will give you a glimpse at the culture and life experiences of your newly arrived friends. While the cultural profile provides insight into some customs, it does not cover all facets of life. The customs described may not apply in equal measure to all newcomers from this country. | |
Most South Africans in Canada today came as independent immigrants in search of political stability and economic opportunities. Generally, we should expect to see representation of all South African races immigrating to our country. While there are White, Mixed Race, Asian, Indian and Black South Africans currently residing in Canada, 90% of the immigrants are white. The political and economic conditions of South Africa before 1990 made it very difficult for many disadvantaged groups to emigrate. Few of the South Africans who left did so in opposition to apartheid or to escape persecution. | |
Moving to a new country and becoming acquainted with the way things are
done in this new environment is difficult and takes time. New immigrants may have to go through
a formal process to have their degrees or professional qualifications recognized. They may not be
able to seek jobs in areas for which they are trained, or they may be required to take further
schooling or certification in Canada before pursuing their careers. You may be wondering how to make your new friends feel welcome and secure. The most important things you can offer are your time, your understanding and your friendship. |