Your interest in reading this website may be due to your involvement with the HOST Program, where you will have the opportunity to meet people from Peru and introduce them to life in Canada. You may be an employer who is prepared to offer a job to a person who is new to Canada. This website will introduce you to Peru and Peruvians and will help you to understand a little about what it is like for them when they start a new life in Canada. While this cultural profile provides insight into some customs, it does not cover all facets of life. The customs described may not apply in equal measure to all newcomers from the profiled country.

While Canadian culture will seem curious and strange to Peruvians in many ways, there are also many similarities. Peruvians will have many of the same questions that you might have if you moved to a new town or city. For instance, they will wonder where they will find a job, which schools their children will attend, where is the closest hospital and what their new community will be like.

It is important to understand some elements of the Peruvian culture that your new friends bring with them. What will be most valuable is your offer of time, friendship and concern for them. Peru has a rich and vibrant culture, full of diversity and wonder. You and your new friends will have much to offer one another.