Dutch people enjoy good health care and a long life expectancy. The health care system is based on a system of public and private insurance. Worker and employers contribute to a public health insurance plan so that everyone can get medical treatment when they need it. People must pay for non-essential medical services, often through private insurance plans. Costly essential treatments and long-term care are funded through a special government program.
Preventing illness is the main aim of the health system. Children's vaccinations are free, as are check-ups for young children and cancer screening for some adults. Mothers and babies, as well as the elderly and chronically ill, are visited by home nurses. Home nursing, especially for the chronically ill or the elderly, is increasing.
Did you know? 

In 1993, the Netherlands government legalized euthanasia (mercy-killing) under certain strict conditions, the first government in the world to do so. 

Most people see a general practitioner, or family doctor, when they are concerned about their health. The doctor will treat patients or refer them to either a medical specialist or someone in the paramedical field such as a midwife, dietitian or physiotherapist. Alternative health treatments such as homeopathy and acupuncture are also popular.
The Netherlands has more home births that any other developed country. Midwives are trained to handle low-risk births in their patients' homes. Women who have had problems during pregnancy or who have difficulties with delivery go to hospital.

 Many Dutch people remain active and fit into their old age because they get a lot of exercise. They use their bicycles more often than cars.