Many Lithuanian holidays and festivals fuse Christian beliefs and indigenous customs. For example, Shrovetide, the period before the season of Lent that precedes Easter, has been combined with a traditional celebration of the end of winter. The feast of St. John in late June is celebrated with bonfires and dances that were once part of an ancient midsummer festival. All Souls' Day on November 2, when Lithuanians light candles in cemeteries, coincides with an autumn festival of the dead.

Even Christmas celebrations in Lithuania retain some traditions from earlier winter solstice festivals. The holiday begins on December 24. People fast during the day. When the first star appears in the evening sky, the family gathers for a special meatless meal of 12 courses. Originally the 12 courses symbolized the 12 months of the year; today they represent the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. If a family member has died during the year, a place is set for him or her.

After the meal, the family members exchange gifts and play games such as drawing straws to tell the future. Families attend Christmas Mass either at midnight or early on Christmas Day. The weather at Christmastime is also believed to be significant. If it is snowy, Easter will be green. If the snow has not yet covered the ground, it will snow at Easter.

Easter is another important religious celebration that includes some elements from an ancient spring festival. Eggs are dyed and decorated to symbolize the rebirth of nature. It is a tradition for two people to hold eggs in their hands and strike them together to see whether they will break. If one egg remains unbroken, it is considered lucky and is not eaten.

National holidays in Lithuania include the Defenders of Freedom Day, which commemorates the demonstrators who were killed by the Soviets in Vilnius on January 13, 1991, after the country had declared its independence from the Soviet Union. Lithuania has two independence days: one in February that celebrates the declaration of independence in 1918, and one in March that celebrates the restoration of independence in 1990.

   Did you know?
Saint Casimir Day, the celebration of Lithuania's patron saint, takes place on March 4. Casimir was born in 1458 in Cracow, the second son of the King of Poland and Lithuania. He led a holy life and died at the age of 26. He was buried in Vilnius, and miracles were reported to have taken place at his tomb.
June 14, the Day of Mourning and Hope, is the anniversary of the first mass deportation of Lithuanians to Siberia in 1941. The Day of Statehood commemorates King Mindaugas, who first established the nation of Lithuania. Black Ribbon Day is a solemn day that recalls the pact between the Nazis and the Soviets in 1939, which led to the invasion of Lithuania. The Day of the Nation honours Vytautas the Great, who reigned in the 15th century.

January 1 New Year's Day
January 13 Defenders of Freedom Day
February 16 Independence Day
March 11 Restoration of Lithuania's Statehood
March or April Easter
June 14 Day of Mourning and Hope
July 6 Coronation of King Mindaugas and Statehood Day
August 23 Black Ribbon Day
September 8 Day of the Nation
November 1 All Saints' Day November 1 All Saints' Day
December 24 and 25 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day