Traditionally, Lebanese lived in extended family households. Today, children usually live with their parents until marriage; afterwards, married children will often move into the same neighbourhood as their parents or spend weekends visiting them. Children are taught to put their family's interests ahead of their own. Whether living in Lebanon or abroad, family members often support each other economically. In old age, parents live with their adult children and often help with child care. Men traditionally headed Lebanese households, especially in Muslim families. However, gender roles have been changing. Some urban women have careers or work outside the home; within the household, Lebanese women hold strong positions and often share in decision making with their husbands. In rural areas, women help in the fields and manage household affairs. Despite the broadening of women's roles, women still bear most of the responsibility for maintaining the home and raising their children. People in Lebanon tend to marry within their religious community. Marriage is regarded as a serious family connection, and often families influence children's marriage partner choices.
Lebanon is a densely populated country, with the vast majority of people living in cities. City life for many Lebanese is similar to urban living in European or North American cities. Older houses are made of limestone, with tiled or thatched roofs, but many people live in modern buildings and high-rise apartments. In the Bekaa Valley, many Shi'ite Muslims live in small villages in stone or concrete houses and farm small plots of land.