Just over half of Kazakhstan's people live in
cities, mostly in apartments. There is a housing shortage in Kazakhstan
and many families live in small spaces. Young married couples sometimes
cannot find apartments and live with relatives until they can set up their
own home. A family of four might share a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and
a living room that is also used for sleeping. Rural people live in brick
houses, with electricity but often without running water. |
For part of the year, a small number of traditional
herders live in large, weather-tight tents made of felt, called yurtas.
People enter a yurta through a carved, folding wooden door. Tall
poles support the high ceiling, which is open at its peak to let out smoke
from the cooking fire. Colourful carpets called tekemets cover the
floor and walls. Families can dismantle and pack up the yurta in
an hour when it is time to move on to new grazing land. |
Did you know? |
cosy hearth is an honoured place in a herder's yurta. Sitting near
the fire is a privilege for guests. A cauldron called a kazan simmers
over the fire. |
Women in urban areas often work outside the home,
and they hold many of the country's senior jobs. Rural women usually work
in the home. Farming couples work together and children are expected to
do their share. Many families of Kazakh origin have a special bond with
their grandmothers. Often the azjhe, as she is known, does the housework
and takes care of small children while their parents are working outside
the home. Kazakhs feel that the azjhes are the glue that holds their
society together.
According to Kazakh tradition, the youngest
son is expected to look after his parents when they grow old. He and his
family will live with them or in a nearby house or apartment. Women who
marry into a Kazakh family are expected to show special respect for their
husband's parents. |
Did you know? |
have traditionally been divided into three large clans called zhuszes.
They were ruled by leaders called khans. Even today people may ask
when meeting someone new: "What zhusz do you belong to?" Many Kazakhs
can trace their heritage back seven generations or more. |