Arabic is the official language of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Its roots can be found in ancient Phoenician, one of the oldest known languages. Its written form has remained almost unchanged over 1,400 years and is the same in all Arab countries, mainly because of the influence of the Qu'ran. In its spoken form, however, there are some differences, mostly between city and rural people, who may have difficulty understanding each other readily.

You may recognize some Arabic words that have been assimilated into English: alcohol, cable, check, magazine, safari, sheriff.

Jordanians, like people in other Arab countries, often use proverbs and traditional sayings. For example: "In its lifetime, the tree never reaches its God." (Be content with what God has given you, not always striving for something you can't have.) "I have neither a she-camel nor a he-camel in this matter." (I have nothing at stake and no interest in this.) "A good person learns from a wink, a bad one from a kick."
  English   Arabic
Yes Aewa or na'am
No La
Please Men fadlak
Thank you Shukran
Hello Marhaba or salaam
How are you? Keif halac?
I am fine Ana mabsoot or ana kowayes
God willing Insha'allah
You're welcome Ahlan wa sahlan
Goodbye Ma'asalaama
Do you understand? Inta fahamt?
 Did you know?
Body language is different from that in Canada. For example, to signal "no," a Jordanian will raise his head sharply, his eyebrows raised, sometimes with closed eyes and a clicking of the tongue. To signal "yes," he will nod his head downward to one side.