Danticat, Edwidge. Krik? Krak! New York, Soho Press, 1995.
Short stories by a Haitian-American writer about life in Haiti in the 1980s. The title refers to a Haitian saying about the importance of passing on stories from one generation to another, "They ask Krik? We say Krak!" 

Temple, Frances. Taste of Salt: A Story of Modern Haiti. New York, Orchard Books, 1992.
This book is geared to young adult readers (13-18). It is set in Haiti in the 1980s before the election of President Aristide.

 Thurston, Zora Neale, and Ishmael Reed. Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti. New York, HarperCollins, 1990.
A travel book with an account of the ceremonies and customs of Voodoo in Haiti.

 Van Laan, Nancy, and Roberta Smith (illustrator). Mama Rocks, Papa Sings. New York, Knopf, 1995.
Geared to young readers (6-8), this book, with its bright illustrations, gives the reader a glimpse of Haitian island life. 

Web sites

The Unofficial Haitian Home Page
Embassy of the Republic of Haiti, Washington D.C. Home Page
Travel and cultural information