Danticat, Edwidge. Krik? Krak!
New York, Soho Press, 1995.
Short stories by a Haitian-American writer about life in Haiti in the 1980s. The title refers to a Haitian saying about the importance of passing on stories from one generation to another, "They ask Krik? We say Krak!" Temple, Frances. Taste of Salt:
A Story of Modern Haiti. New York, Orchard Books, 1992.
Thurston, Zora Neale, and
Ishmael Reed. Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti. New York,
HarperCollins, 1990.
Van Laan, Nancy, and Roberta
Smith (illustrator). Mama Rocks, Papa Sings. New York, Knopf, 1995.
Web sites The
Unofficial Haitian Home Page