This website is designed to give a general overview of Greece and its people. Every year thousands of people come from other countries to Canada to start a new life. They come with many different skills and dreams and the hope of contributing to their new society. They may also come to Canada to study.

Your interest in this cultural profile may stem from being involved in an organized HOST Program with a Greek family. You may be learning about Greece in school, or working with Greeks in Canada. The information in this website will help you gain some understanding of Greece and its people. Although this cultural profile provides insight into some customs, it does not cover all facets of life. The customs described may not apply in equal measure to all newcomers from Greece.

The decision to live in a new country is not an easy one. Canada will seem quite different from Greece. You can help by providing practical information that newcomers need to know. They will need to learn new customs and how to get around, what school to attend, where to shop for food and how to find a doctor. You will probably find that you have much in common with your new Greek friends and many things to learn from them too.

Did you know? 

Greeks call themselves "Hellenes," their country "Hellas" and their language "Hellenic." The words "Greece" and "Greek" are derived from Roman words used to describe the people of Hellas. 

Did you know? 

More than 7 million Greeks or persons of Greek origin live outside of Greece.