Every year thousands of people from all over the
world come to Canada to start a new life. They come with many talents and
skills and with the hope of contributing to their new society. Your interest
in reading this profile may be due to your involvement with the HOST program,
where you have the opportunity to meet people from Fiji and introduce them
to life in Canada. You may have a colleague at work or a student in your
school from one of the Fiji islands.
The decision to make a new home in another country is not an easy one. People must leave behind familiar things. Although Canada may seem quite different from Fiji, there are also many similarities. Immigrants from Fiji will have many of the same questions that you would have if you moved to a new town or city. They will wonder how to find a job, which school their children should attend, where to find a doctor and what their new community will be like. You will probably find that you have much in common with your new friends and that you can learn from them too. |
The indigenous people of Fiji make up almost half
the population. The second largest cultural group (over 40%) is made up
of the descendants of people who originally came from India. They are usually
called "Fijian Indians" or "Indo-Fijians." Caucasian people in Fiji, regardless
of their county of origin, are referred to as "Europeans" in Fiji. Other
inhabitants are identified by their ethnic origin as Chinese, Tongan, Rotuman
(Polynesian) or Banaban (Micronesian). In this cultural profile, we use
the terms "indigenous Fijian" and "Fijian Indian" for the two largest groups
and Fijians to refer to all the people of Fiji.
Fiji's various ethnic communities have many distinct traditions. Although this profile provides insight into some customs, it does not cover all facets of life for these different groups. The customs described may not apply in equal measure to all newcomers from Fiji.