The main form of recreation in cities and villages is socializing. People enjoy going to the bazaar, an outdoor market, to do their shopping and to visit friends. They like to sit and talk while drinking tea or coffee. In rural areas, relaxing after a hard day's labour in the fields is a favourite way to spend time. Egyptians enjoy reciting poetry or singing folk songs. In urban areas, clubs, restaurants and coffeehouses provide a variety of entertainment. Coffeehouses are large, noisy places where lively discussions and arguments are part of the entertainment. Many Egyptians like to argue over small matters at one moment and forgive and embrace the next. Egyptians have a good sense of humour and love to play practical jokes on each other. Most Egyptians love sports and soccer is the most popular. Girls and boys from middle-class families play tennis, squash and other sports. Films are a popular form of entertainment as are soap operas on television.