Immigrants looking for a better life are welcomed in Canada. Maybe you are involved in the HOST Program helping new immigrants from Egypt. Perhaps you are a friend or an employer wanting to hire a newcomer from Egypt. This booklet will introduce you to Egypt and give you some information about its rich and ancient culture.

Many individuals in Cairo, Alexandria and other large cities in Egypt have a high standard of living. Most Egyptians who come to Canada are skilled professionals who have experienced the western world through education, travel abroad, western media and tourism. Even though western influence exists in Egypt, many religious traditions and cultural values prevail. Egypt is a crossroads of many cultures.

The first concern for newcomers will likely be daily life, including work, school, groceries, transportation, recreation and much more. Perhaps you can imagine what it might be like to come to Canada for the first time and think of some questions you would have. How cold does it get in winter? What kind of music is popular? Where do I buy food and clothes?

You do not need to remember a lot of facts about Egypt in order to welcome your new friends to Canada. A willingness to appreciate their culture and what they've left behind is sufficient. Hospitality is highly valued and a source of pride to Egyptians. When you offer them your hospitality, they will feel welcome. While this cultural profile provides insight into some customs, it does not cover all facets of life. The customs described may not apply in equal measure to all newcomers from this country.