Baker, Christopher. Cuba Handbook. Chico, California: Moon Travel Handbooks, 1997.
A good overview of modern-day Cuba with information on food, dance, music, history and other aspects of Cuban life.

Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Scribner's, 1953.
This classic novel for adults and children describes Cuba's fishing industry, as well as the island's beautiful scenery.

Hungry Wolf, Adolf. Letters From Cuba: Simple Living, with Vintage Cars, Old Trains and Friendly People. Canada: Canadian Caboose Press, 1996.
The Canadian author of this book has made several journeys through the island of Cuba. He photographs old cars and trains and talks to Cuban people to find out what their life is like.

Martí, José. Versos sencillos (Simple Verses). Texas: Arte Público, 1997.
This book is one of Martí's most famous collections of poetry and is still widely read today.

Smith, Stephen. The Land of Miracles: A Journey Through Modern Cuba. London: Little Brown, 1997.
An English journalist who has lived in Cuba writes of the life of everyday people and his forays into Cuban culture, from learning to dance the tango to participating in the rites of Santería.

