Much of people's social life in Congo revolves
around special events, including weddings, baptisms, funerals and holidays.
Village celebrations are held for seasonal events, such as the end of the
harvest, or for special occasions, such as honouring the dead. Most traditional
festivals are based on the lunar calendar. Festivities vary from region
to region, but usually include a meal, followed by singing and traditional
African dancing, known as luntuku, in which the dancers form a circle.
Secular holidays are sometimes marked with
parades and colourful displays by regional folkloric troupes. Because of
political and economic troubles, however, these celebrations are becoming
rare. The dates and nature of many national holidays depends on who is
in power. |
On Parents' Day, people honour their dead ancestors.
The spirits of those who have died are thought to watch over family members.
Individual clans can usually trace their origins to a particular ancestor.
Ancestors are also considered to be the true owners of family land. Living
descendants are allowed to benefit from the land, but not to sell it. On
Parents' Day, people go to cemeteries to tidy and decorate family graves,
setting fires to burn away the tall grasses that obscure the grave markers.
Often they enjoy a meal at the site, then return home to eat with their
children. |
Did you know? |
traditional Congolese religious or ceremonial functions, diviners wear
face masks (hemba), along with a costume (nsaka) made of
dried banana leaves or touraco feathers. They act out the will of ancestors
and supernatural forces. |